Travelogue Posts ~ Library
Welcome! Our blog posts are listed by “publish date” below. To go to a specific post by location, use the Travelogue menu at the top of the page. To follow our retirement journey in sequence from 2023 to present, use the Tabs on this page.
A Day At Timberline Ski Area
Deborah decided she was going to ski today so last night we made preparations and this morning joined commuter traffic for a short while. I missed our turn and google navigation rerouted us along country roads we had not been on before…
Sea Grass, Just Sea Grass…
Many have been here before and I wonder throughout the millennia how many footfalls have etched their memory upon the sand, only to be erased by waves and winds in time…
2018.02 Toleak Point
The date was set, now all we had to do was wait and watch the weather predictions. At first it was going to be cold with possible snow, then some rain but chances of sun…